Welcome to the website of the XXIX IUPAP Conference in Computational Physics (CCP2017), which will be held in Paris from July 9th to July 13th, 2017, in the Jussieu campus (Latin Quarter) of the University Pierre et Marie Curie - Sorbonne.
The conference will be followed by a discussion meeting on the history of simulations with talks from Jean-Pierre Hansen, Giovanni Ciccotti, and Richard M. Martin (https://ccp2017.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/17). This discussion meeting is open to everyone and sponsored by CECAM-FR-Moser.
The 2017 Young Scientist Prize has been awarded to Glen Brian Evenbly from the University of Sherbrooke (https://www.glenevenbly.com/)
Registration is open! Register here for the conference (registration includes all lunches and coffee breaks, and the welcome reception).
The program is now available (https://ccp2017.sciencesconf.org/program).
It is also possible to download the short program here.
The book of abstract is available online, it can be dowloaded here.
We are very excited by the 149 oral presentations including 9 plenary lectures and 14 keynote talks on the following topics: Education; Astrophysics; Nuclear, Particle and Fields Physics; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; Quantum Many Body Physics; Classical Statistical Mechanics; Fluid Dynamics: from Macro- to Nano-fluidics; Chemical Physics; Soft Matter and Biophysics; Materials Science; Energy Storage and Production; Geosciences and Climate Modeling.
The confirmed Plenary Speakers are: Rainer Blatt (Universität Innsbruck); Manuela Campanelli (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA); Cecilia Clementi (Rice University, USA); Giulia Galli (University of Chicago, USA); Eberhard K. U. Gross (Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany); Ulf-G Meiflner (Universität Bonn/Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany); Sauro Succi (CNR, Rome, Italy).
Conference Fees:
Early bird
from June 1st 2017
Standard registration
Student (reduced) registration
Gala dinner
Gala dinner for accompanying person
Registration includes access to the CCP Conference (9-13 July), all scientific sessions, conference materials (book of abstracts), lunch and coffee breaks, the welcome reception and a certificate of attendance.
Selected young participants, particularly from developing countries, will receive support for attending the conference. Detailed information can be found here.
CCP is a series of conferences held annually under the auspicies of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) on the basis of endorsement by its Commission on Computational Physics (C20). The purpose of the conference series is to bring together computational scientists working in physics and closely related areas to exchange the latest developments in computational techniques and their applications.
The IUPAP 2017 Young Investigator Prize will be awarded on this occasion.